Hearing God Speak

Hearing God Speak

Hearing God Speak
Read time: 4.5 minutes

As I was praying it became clear that my desire to follow God was a gift from above – He saved me when I did not ask. He let me find Him when I was not looking for him.  All that I am, that is good, is a gift from Him. Would you be proud of the fact that you let someone rescue you from drowning…Of course not…anyone would accept help in that situation and be only grateful.  Everything is gift and nothing should be taken for granted. I can only take credit for what I did before He rescued me; things I only wish to forget.

St. Padre Pio said when you are in grace, God is in you, and when you sin God is outside you. Marcus Grodi (The Journey Home) and guest talked about how with grace and the sacraments we participate in the Divine life…and it is precisely His life in us that accomplishes His will and prepares us for eternal life…that apart from that abiding Presence within we can do nothing to move ourselves or others closer to heaven.

I often forget that every time we pray heaven hears, angels are engaged, and Saints are moved to pray for our intentions. All of creation groans for it’s salvation.  When we pray we enter into that great groaning which itself is a prayer.  Many will not have the graces they need unless we pray.

Simple prayer

Lord I did not fix the world today.  I did not fix my neighborhood.  Nor did I share my wisdom…or lead anyone to You.  I only read a little scripture, said a few prayers, and tried to encourage my family, remembering You from time to time.  It is not much but it is all I have today.  I hope  You are not disappointed in me today.  Oh I did reach out a little to a few others as well.  In any case You, Holy Spirit, had big plans for me I know You could have gotten my attention.  I guess I just wanted to give You more today Lord.  You have given me so much.  But Fr Leo says that tomorrow I get to start over and I hope to do better tomorrow.

It seems to be hard for me to sit with You in silence.  I see that You are very close to me and that You don’t seem to be in a hurry or wanting me to be anxious about anything.  You remind me of some of the things we have done together that were good.  I guess I just long to be with You in heaven, while I am still down here. I have been trying to be someone important for so long that it is hard for me to stop striving.

But as I sit with You a tremendous peace has settled on me.  I think of Brother Lawrence (The Practice of the Presence of God) and his communion with You at all times.  In this place of peace thoughts are not frantic …  worry and fear have no home.  There is a spiritual energy and lightness that causes me to think clearly.  I think of how badly I desire Your abiding, guiding presence.

You have written Your word into our spiritual DNA; when we listen in silence we hear You speak Lord.  Help us hear You clearly.

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