

I am not a devout prayer of the Rosary, but as I sit beside my dying loved one I find I cannot pray.  All my attempts are swamped by too many swirling thoughts and emotions and too little sleep. I take up my beads.  What Mysteries do I pray today?  Blank brain, so I begin and mysteries appear.
#1 The Gift of this woman’s particular complex life.  It contained war, displacement and terrible losses, but also courage, love and determination.  She never lost faith, and you were with her always, and are here now.
#2. The complexity of human relationships.  The relationship with my loved one was never easy, and often fraught with misunderstanding.  Yet all that is left at this moment is love.  You are this love.
#3 The Peace that surpasses understanding.  Even as crisis follows crisis and we stand helpless as Death approaches, there is peace.  You are the sanctuary at the eye of the storm.
#4 Your unfathomable love.  From the moment we became a twinkle in your eye until the moment the light in our eyes is extinguished, Your love is unwavering.
#5 Death.  In my loved one’s death new life awaits.  Death is only a  door opening to Home.
Glory to you, our Beloved Parent, giver of life.
Glory to You, Jesus, who died as we all do in order to light the path Home.
Glory to You, Holy Spirit, who chooses to live within these mortal bodies, guiding us in Truth until we meet Truth face to Face.
Thank you, blessed Mother, for praying with me.
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