The Eucharist, the Need of Our Heart
When we go to mass Christ is present to us in four ways. In the Liturgy of the Word when the scriptures are read. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist where the Body Blood Soul and Divinity of Jesus are made present. In the ministry of the priests and in the assembly of the faithful that are attending.
These are all ways that Jesus is present at mass. Of course there are different ways of being present. When I am attending mass, how present am I to the fact that Jesus is present. Am I distracted by thinking where we are going to go for brunch after mass? Or have I read and reflected and prayed on His Word before mass so that I can be more present in that moment of our prayer together in His Body. Am I attentive to His Word or do I easily forget what the readings were and what the homily was about an hour after mass when someone asks me what the readings were about?
Do I bring myself and my loved ones and my brokenness to the altar when the one sacrifice of Christ is once again made present in time and space through the words of consecration and the actions of the priest. Do I lift up my heart or do I just go through the motions as I have done so many times before.
Jesus is not only there in a communal presence in everyone, but Jesus is also there personally just for you and for every person individually as well.
When we go to communion we don’t only get a fraction or a small part of Jesus, no we receive his entire Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. The amount of Grace that we receive from this encounter ultimately depends on our own presence and our capacity to receive it.
Do we have trouble believing that He is really there waiting for us to let Him love us. Because Love is the only reason that Jesus instituted the Eucharist. Jesus help my unbelief. Help me to be more present to you.
So that I can in turn be more present to my brothers and sisters in need.
“ Why does He remain day and night on our altars, to which no one comes to receive the graces that He is offering with full hands? Because He is loving, He is hoping, He is expecting! If Jesus came on our altars only on certain days, He would fear that some sinner, impelled by a desire to return to Him, might come seeking Him and, not finding Him, would go away without waiting for Him. So He prefers to await the sinner, long years Himself rather than make him wait an instant, rather than discourage him, perhaps, when he wants to escape from the slavery of sin.”
St. Peter Julian Eymard